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Back To the Office

While most of us have been faced with many obstacles and hard times this past year, there is one luxury this pandemic had brought us, and that’s working from home. Many have gotten accustomed to a bedroom to family room commute, and pajamas as the new business casual. However, as the summer comes to an end, it’s back to the office for the majority. Here are some ways you can get back into your old routine and go back to the office with ease:

  • Start your day earlier

Set your alarm to go off 15 minutes earlier and keep pushing it back until you get to the original time you would wake for work. This will train your body to get into that earlier schedule and avoid feeling groggy with morning brain fog.

  • Organize your day

It can feel really intimidating to throw yourself back into the office environment after having more flexibility at home. It’s important that you plan out your workdays and set goals, so you don’t get overwhelmed, and so you have a clear and concise game plan.

  •   Focus on the positives and not the negatives

Don’t think about all the things you’ll miss about working from home, think about the advantages the work environment can bring you! This is an opportunity to get out of your house and back to socializing, it can increase your creativity, your overall mood, and it makes you appreciate the time you do get to spend at home.

  • Incorporate some of your WFH routine

There’s no need to completely scrap what you’ve been doing, carry those new habits with you. If you have gotten more into self-care, make some time in your day for that. If you’re used to going on a walk during your lunch break, get out of the office for 20 minutes and continue to do so. A lot of us have found new ways to improve our day, and that shouldn’t stop just because we’re back in the office.

Whether you’re going back full-time or part-time, there will be an adjustment period. That being said, it doesn’t have to be as daunting as it may seem. Hopefully, some of these tips can help alleviate that stress and make it a more seamless transition.

If you’ve lost your job due to the pandemic or are looking to start fresh with a new role, visit our job board at